The activated task was aborted because the invoked stored procedure '%1!s!' did not issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK on one or more transactions that it begun.
The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager %1!s! failed with error code 2!8.8X!. There may be error messages ...
The action you attempted to perform on a remote instance of SQL Server has failed because the action requires a SQL Server ...
The action you attempted to perform on a remote instance of SQL Server has failed because the action requires a SQL Server ...
The action you attempted to perform on a remote SQL Server instance failed because the action requires a SQL Server component ...
The activated task was aborted because the invoked stored procedure '%1!s!' did not issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK on one or more ...
The activated task was aborted due to an error (Error: %1!s!, State %2!s!). Check ERRORLOG or the previous "Broker:Activation" ...
The Active Directory operation on publication '%1!s!' could not be completed because Active Directory client package is not ...
The Activity Monitor is unable to execute queries against server {0}. Activity Monitor for this instance will be placed into ...
The adapter encountered an unrecognized data type of %1!d!. This could be caused by a damaged input file (source) or by an ...