This is a block of SQL text. You can modify this block with Query Builder by choosing 'Design SQL Block' from the shortcut menu.
This installation of SQL Server Agent is disabled. The edition of SQL Server that installed this service does not support ...
This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of %1!s! since %2!s! (local) %3!s! (UTC). This is an informational ...
This instance of SQL Server is the %1!s!. Change data capture is only available in the Enterprise, Developer, and Enterprise ...
This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of %1!s! at %2!s! (local) %3!s! (UTC). This is an informational ...
This is a block of SQL text. You can modify this block with Query Builder by choosing 'Design SQL Block' from the shortcut ...
This is a pull subscription, but the publication does not support this subscription type. Enable support for pull subscriptions ...
This is a redundant attribute relationship and it should be deleted. A redundant attribute relationship may prevent data ...
This is an anonymous subscription, but the publication does not support this subscription type. Enable support for anonymous ...
This is the final step of the Wizard. The report provides detailed results of the test case. To see detailed results for ...