The CLSID %1, item %2 and title %3 has the named value AppID, but is not recorded under \\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppId. Do you wish to record it?
The ClientSiteName property indicates the name of the site where the domain controller is configured to be in. This value ...
The CliSeeAlso association provides a relationship between an alias and related aliases that may be used as a part of the ...
The clock difference between the home server %1 and target server %2 is greater than one minute. This may cause Kerberos ...
The clocks on all homegroup computers must be set no more than 24 hours apart. Make sure your computer clocks are synchronized, ...
The CLSID %1, item %2 and title %3 has the named value AppID, but is not recorded under \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppId. Do you ...
The Clsid property, if applicable, defines the COM CLSID associated with server implementation. Note: decoupled providers ...
The Clsid property, if applicable, defines the COM CLSID associated with server implementation. Note: decoupled providers ...
The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it does not belong to a shared storage class. ...
The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it is not capable of being a quorum resource. ...