Mask : The mask string specifies what type of characters can be written and where. Possible mask symbols: 'a', 'A', 'c', 'C', '+', 'd', 'D', '*'
Marking all methods '_declspec(noinline)' prevents the warning. Changing the static constructor to an explicitly called static ...
Marks an executable as having been tested to be compatible with Windows Data Execution Prevention feature. (/NXCOMPAT[:NO]) ...
Marks the selected text for inclusion in the TOC. You specify at which level in the TOC the selected text should appear. ...
Marshaling Session or Host object to secondary AppDomain failed. Check that Host and all types in Session dictionary are ...
Mask : The mask string specifies what type of characters can be written and where. Possible mask symbols: 'a', 'A', 'c', ...
Master Pages cannot contain Web Part Zones on this Web site. However, you may insert Web Part Zones in ASPX pages attached ...
Match Fields allows you to tell Word the meaning of different fields in your recipient list. For example, you can indicate ...
Max Cached Translation Units : The maximum number of translation units that will be kept active at a time for IntelliSense ...
Maximum concurrent C++ compilations : The maximum number of CPU cores to use for parallel C++ compilation. A value of 0 causes ...