This operation cannot be called on a buffer passed to PrimeOutput. A call was made to a buffer method during PrimeOutput, but that call is not allowed during PrimeOutput.
This method is faster, but requires the source database to go offline. It is best for upgrading databases or moving very ...
This mirroring configuration is not supported. Because the principal server instance, {0}, is not Standard Edition, the mirror ...
This mirroring configuration is not supported. Because the principal server instance, {0}, is Standard Edition, the mirror ...
This object is not heterogeneous or PublisherName is not set. Method "{0}" can only be called when this object represents ...
This operation cannot be called on a buffer passed to PrimeOutput. A call was made to a buffer method during PrimeOutput, ...
This operation cannot be called on a buffer passed to ProcessInput. A call was made to a buffer method during ProcessInput, ...
This operation cannot be completed because the instance is not valid. Use MakeValid to convert the instance to a valid instance. ...
This operation creates a new key, uses it to re-encrypt sensitive data, and grants the report server access to use the key. ...
This operation is not supported in SharePoint integrated mode. For more information about supported operations, see the product ...