Column '%1!s!' cannot be part of the distribution key of the index '%2!s!' because the column is not part of the unique index key. Distribution key columns for a unique index must be part of the index key.
Column '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in article '%2!s!' of publication '%3!s!'. The DDL operatoin on hierarchyid and ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be altered online to an XML type that has a schema collection. The operation must be performed offline. ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be excluded from a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be included in a vertical partition because it is neither nullable nor defined with a default value. ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be part of the distribution key of the index '%2!s!' because the column is not part of the unique index ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be passed as a parameter for an AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT BLOCK security predicate for this view ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be used as full-text type column for image column. It must be a character-based column with a size ...
Column '%1!s!' cannot be used for full-text search because it is not a character-based, XML, image or varbinary(max) type ...