Getting these images is taking a while. To speed things up, choose fewer images to show, or make your OneDrive files available offline.
GetApplicability API has determined that package %1 is either NotInstallable or RequiresReinstall. The detail code is %2. ...
GetClassObject failed in the DLL. Either a DLL threw an exception during install processing or the DLL and its embedded type ...
GetFileStream, SaveToFile, or SaveTemp file was called on the ZIP reader with a file name that was not found in the ZIP file.%0 ...
Getting started only takes a few minutes. You'll be able to upgrade now or schedule it for a time that's more convenient ...
Getting these images is taking a while. To speed things up, choose fewer images to show, or make your OneDrive files available ...
Getting these images is taking a while. To speed things up, choose fewer images to show, or make your SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME ...
Give and get Internet access without seeing shared passwords. You'll get connected to Wi-Fi networks your contacts share, ...
Give and get Internet access without seeing shared passwords. You'll get connected to WLAN networks your contacts share, ...
Gives call to ApplicationFileInventory to process the install trace files. This task will never be displayed to the user.] ...