,Common Disease,Common Injury,Professional Disease,Work Injury,Family Member Care,Post Vaccination,Quarantine,Sanatory Cure,Pregnancy Leave,Child Care 1.5 years,Child Care 3 years
Commerce Services cannot be activated since change tracking is not enabled . Please contact your System administrator in ...
Commerce Services for Retail unable to migrate synchronization state of record with tableId '%1' and recId %2. Record is ...
Commitment %1 was not closed because it is referenced by an unposted invoice or an unconfirmed PO. Post the invoice or confirm ...
Commodities requiring special or additional care or attention in handling or stowing must be marked and packaged to ensure ...
Common Disease,Common Injury,Professional Disease,Work Injury,Family Member Care,Post Vaccination,Quarantine,Sanatory Cure,Pregnancy ...
Communication cannot be established with transportation management. To establish the communication, test the communication ...
Communication was blocked, perhaps by your computer's firewall settings, to a web service that is required by Microsoft Dynamics ...
Company %1 has been created, but we are still setting it up for you.\This may take up to 10 minutes, so take a short break ...
Company %1 was just created, and we are still setting it up for you.\This may take up to 10 minutes, so take a short break ...