The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file(s) '{0}' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the file is under source control, you may want to check it out; if the file is read-only on disk, you may want to change its attributes.
The command text "{0}" was executed on connection "{1}", building an OleDbDataReader using one of the CommandBehavior values. ...
The command text is invalid. To call a stored procedure through ODBC managed provider the following syntax should be used: ...
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file '%1' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the ...
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file '{0}' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the ...
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file(s) '{0}' that must be modified cannot be changed. If ...
The command {0} was not recognized. At the command prompt, type "TestControllerConfig.exe Help" to get a list of available ...
The command {0} was not recognized. At the command prompt, type "VSTestConfig.exe Help" to get a list of available commands. ...
The command-line option '-cliroot' has been deprecated. Use an explicit reference to a specific copy of mscorlib.dll instead. ...
The command-line option '{0}' has been deprecated. HTML document generation is now part of the F# Power Pack, via the tool ...