%11Distribution Manager failed to compress package "%1" from "%2" to "%4". The file that failed the compression is "%3".%12 Possible cause: The drive containing file "%4" does not have enough free disk space. Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space. Possible cause: If the package source directory "%2" is on a remote machine, that machine is turned off, not connected to the network, or not functioning properly. Solution: Verify that the machine containing the package source directory is turned on, connected to the network, and functioning properly. Verify that the network itself is functioning properly. Possible cause: The site server computer account does not have sufficient access rights to the package source directory "%2" or the file "%3". Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has read access to the package source directory and the problem file.%0
Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for content "%2" (content ID = %3).%12 Possible cause: Distribution ...
Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for content "%2" (content ID = %3).%12 Possible cause: Distribution ...
Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for package "%2".%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager ...
Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for package "%2".%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager ...
Distribution Manager failed to compress package "%1" from "%2" to "%4". The file that failed the compression is "%3".%12 ...
Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point.%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot access the ...
Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point.%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot access the ...
Distribution Manager failed to copy package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have ...
Distribution Manager failed to copy package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".%12 Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have ...