ItemCollection cannot provide a sync root for synchronization because the underlying collection can be changed. Use ItemsControl.ItemsSource or ItemCollection.InnerList to get the sync root for the respective inner collections.
It is used by receiving applications to verify that a message was the first message sent in a single transaction to a single ...
It is used by receiving applications to verify that a message was the last message sent from a single transaction to a single ...
It may be necessary to stop one or more system services during installation. For information on the affected services, click ...
Item Collection for '{0}' is not valid. Make sure that the StorageMappingItemCollection was constructed with the same instances ...
ItemCollection cannot provide a sync root for synchronization because the underlying collection can be changed. Use ItemsControl.ItemsSource ...
Items refresh of the DataGrid failed. One of the probable causes is that the SortDescriptions added are not valid, in which ...
ItemsHost panel cannot use VirtualizationMode = Recycling because the IGeneratorHost.GetContainerForItemOverride method returns ...
Iterator functions must return either IEnumerable(Of T), or IEnumerator(Of T), or the non-generic forms IEnumerable or IEnumerator. ...
ITypeInfo::GetDocumentation for DISPID 0x{0:X} returned hr=0x{1:X}, which will cause this property to be ignored. S_OK must ...