User account <%{user}> does not have permission to access this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact the document author for a new copy of this document.
User Account Control: Virtualize file and registry write failures to per-user locations This policy setting controls whether ...
User Account Created: New Account Name: %1 New Domain: %2 New Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: %5 Caller ...
User Account Deleted: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User Account Disabled: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User account does not have permission to access this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact ...
User account does not have permission to access to this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact ...
User Account Enabled: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User account has not been activated on this machine. Activate the user account on this machine and reopen this document. ...
User account is not setup for digital rights management. Contact your system administrator to set up your account for digital ...