The enum '{0}' exposed as map '{1}' contains multiple members with the value '{2}'. Enums that are used as maps must contain unique values for each member.
The EntityType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' nor a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}' for FunctionImport ...
The EntityType '{0}' that the NavigationProperty '{1}' is declared on is not the same type '{4}' referred by the end '{3}' ...
The EntityType or ComplexType '{0}' cannot be mapped by convention to the value type '{1}'. Value types are not allowed to ...
The entry point class name "{1}" was found during the migration of "{0}". The class will be renamed to "{2}" in the migrated ...
The enum '{0}' exposed as map '{1}' contains multiple members with the value '{2}'. Enums that are used as maps must contain ...
The enumerator that defines how the client application generates a context-sensitive name for the attribute when the entity ...
The enumerator that indicates the attribute's data type. If an Expression data type is also present, the Expression and DataType ...
The enumerator that indicates whether this attribute should be sorted Ascending or Descending when the main attribute is ...
The enumerator that overrides the ContextualName setting for attributes in the role's target entity when the role is used ...