The server is unavailable. This is an offline copy of the server file which was up to date at: |0. Click Edit File to open for editing. Your changes will be uploaded when the server becomes available.
The server is currently being taken down for maintenance. Check with your system administrator to see when this server is ...
The server is running (!idspnInfoPathFormsServices), but the compatibility setting for this form template is (!idspnInfoPath) ...
The server is unable to complete your request. The Single Sign-On (SSO) application '{0}' used to verify user credentials ...
The server is unable to complete your request. There may be a problem accessing the database or reading specific database ...
The server is unavailable. This is an offline copy of the server file which was up to date at: |0. Click Edit File to open ...
The server is unavailable. This is an offline copy of the server workbook which was up to date at: |0. Click Edit Workbook ...
The server may not have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed, or the server may be misconfigured, or you may have specified ...
The server may not have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed, your machine's IP address may not have access to the server, ...
The server may use different version of schema and the client cannot process the server's response. The server's response ...