The SQL VSS Writer service is not running on %ServerName;. Ensure that the SQL VSS writer service is started and running on the selected server and/or all nodes in the cluster.
The SQL Server instance %SqlInstance; is already added as a recovery target with unrestricted target path to this DPM role. ...
The SQL Server Reporting Services installation is not valid because it is installed on a computer on which Internet Information ...
The SQL VSS Writer service is not running on %ServerName;. Ensure that the SQL VSS writer service is started and running ...
The SQL VSS Writer service is not running on %ServerName;. Ensure that the SQL VSS writer service is started and running ...
The SQL VSS Writer service is not running on %ServerName;. Ensure that the SQL VSS writer service is started and running ...
The status of the specified task identifier could not be reported because the task is not listed as a valid recovery task. ...
The tape %MediaLabel; (barcode - %MediaBarcode;) might not be compatible with the drive type of drive %DriveName; in %LibraryType; ...
The tape in %LibraryType; %Library; at %MediaLocationType; %MediaLocationInfo; appears to be a cleaning tape. However, this ...
The tape in %LibraryType; %Library; at %MediaLocationType; %MediaLocationInfo; has been written to by another tape backup ...