This action will remove the selected subscription information, but not the previously replicated data, from database '{0}'. Removing the subscription information should be done only if the subscription has been deleted at the Publisher, {1}, or if the subscription is otherwise defunct. Removing an active subscription will result in errors at the Publisher. Are you sure you want to remove the subscription information?
This action marks each subscription to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Merge Agent runs. Subscriptions ...
This action marks each subscription to be reinitialized the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must run the Snapshot ...
This action marks subscription '{0}' to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must ...
This action marks subscription '{0}' to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Distribution or Merge Agent runs. ...
This action will remove the selected subscription information, but not the previously replicated data, from database '{0}'. ...
This add-in requires Excel 2010. If you have 32-bit Excel, you must install the 32-bit version of the add-in. If not, you ...
This application requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Please install the .NET Framework then run this installer again. See ...
This argument needs to be . c: Check only, r: Check and attempt to repair any issues found, b: Check, repair and re-build ...
This article cannot use the '%1!s!' feature because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication ...