Before we can add your domain name to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, we must verify that you are the owner of the domain. To begin the verification process, you add a CNAME record to the DNS records at your domain registrar. We'll then look for the record to verify ownership.
Note: The new CNAME record does not affect how your domain works.
Because your group has more than 2,000 members, members cannot be shown at this time. You can continue to add members to ...
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Before using Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite Beta services, you must enter a personalized password for your ...
Before we can add your domain name to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, we must verify that you are the owner of the domain. ...
Before we can add your domain name to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, we must verify that you are the owner of the domain. ...
Before we can add your domain name to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, we must verify that you are the owner of the domain. ...
Before we can set up your trial we need you to update your profile.{0}{0}To update your profile:{0}{0}Return to the {1}Customer ...
Before you can activate a new subscription and link it to an existing domain, the existing domain must already be active. ...
Before you can begin using %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% services, you must have a license assigned to you. If you are an administrator, ...