%2 could not create a link to a remote computer. Your computer has exceeded the number of connections it can make to that remote computer.
Could not configure user. The specified SID is an administrator on this system. Locking down administrator users could lead ...
Could not connect to subsystem "%2" on host "%3". Please check the credentials used and if this subsystem requires elevation. ...
Could not connect to the current schema master server. The server may not be available, or you may have insufficient privileges ...
Could not connect to the virtual machine. Try to connect again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. ...
could not create a link to a remote computer. Your computer has exceeded the number of connections it can make to that remote ...
Could not create instance for registered USD, possibly incorrect class ID or problems loading DLL. Trying to initialize pass-through ...
Could not create key: 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support ...
Could not create test virtual machine for virtual machine '%1'. Try test failover with a more recent recovery point. (Virtual ...
Could not create the configuration MOF file. Check the Analytic event log to investigate why the MOF file could not be created ...