Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the given static IP address pool %IPPoolName; is inccessible based on the user role.
Cannot attach VMDK "%Name;" to a drive with IDE bus. Disk binding (%BusType;, %Bus;, %Lun;) will not be created for template ...
Cannot change setting AutomaticVirtualNetworkCreationEnabled (Automatic creation of virtual switches) to true as VMM no longer ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because it is not a valid synthetic VM virtual ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because it is not connected to any VM Network. ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the given static IP address pool ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the given static IP address pool ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the integration services are not ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the IP address %IPAddress; is a ...
Cannot change the IP address configuration of the virtual network adapter %Name; because the IP address (%IPAddress;) does ...