This is an example of what your customers will see when you use Microsoft Bookings. Once they book, confirmations and reminders to the customer and relevant staff reduce missed appointments and no-shows. Click OK to see what\'s next.
This is a customer research email being sent as part of a pilot program for User/Tenant Problem Notifications. If you would ...
This is a default alert policy created by Office 365. It helps you monitor all the activities that increased your users' ...
This is a preview of what your sign-up page will look like when you send your campaign. Submissions will not result in offers ...
This is a request for automated credit card removal. Entitlement not required. Remove {0} for user orgid/mosid={1}, tenantId={2}. ...
This is an example of what your customers will see when you use Microsoft Bookings. Once they book, confirmations and reminders ...
This is the address of the email server for the account you\'re connecting to. To obtain the server address, see the Help ...
This is the date when the retention period will go into effect for any items you identified above that have labels associated ...
This is the name of the label your users will see in the apps where it's published (like Outlook, SharePoint, and OneDrive). ...
This is the name recipients will see in the From box when you send from a connected account. For example, if the email address ...