!number1,number2,...!!Estimates variance based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)!are 1 to 255 numeric arguments corresponding to a sample of a population!
number1,number2,.!Adds all the numbers in a range of cells!are 1 to 255 numbers to sum. Logical values and text are ignored ...
number1,number2,.!Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments (ignores logical values ...
number1,number2,.!Calculates variance based on the entire population (ignores logical values and text in the population)!are ...
number1,number2,.!Estimates standard deviation based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)!are 1 to ...
number1,number2,.!Estimates variance based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample)!are 1 to 255 numeric ...
number1,number2,.!Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments!are 1 to 255 numbers, logical values, or text representations ...
number1,number2,.!Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments, which can be numbers or names, arrays, or references ...
number1,number2,.!Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean. Arguments can be numbers ...
number1,number2,.!Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive numeric data!are 1 to 255 numbers or names, ...