The Exchange UMIPGateway objects weren't created. Please verify that you're a member of the Organization Management role group or have sufficient privileges to write to this Active Directory container.
The Exchange store %1 has unlimited storage capacity. The current physical size of this database (the .edb file) is %3 GB. ...
The Exchange store %1 is limited to %2 GB. The current physical size of this database (the .edb file) is %3 GB. If the physical ...
The Exchange store %1 is limited to %2 GB. The current physical size of this database (the .edb file) is %3 GB. If the physical ...
The Exchange transport on server {2} will not expand membership of distribution groups when checking restrictions. This configuration ...
The Exchange UMIPGateway objects weren't created. Please verify that you're a member of the Organization Management role ...
The Exchange Virtual Server can not be upgraded by the Cluster Administrator tool on this computer. To upgrade this Exchange ...
The Exchange Virtual Server can not be upgraded on this cluster node. To upgrade this Exchange Virtual Server, take the System ...
The executable file "{0}" for the UM worker process doesn't exist. To resolve this issue, copy the executable file located ...
The executable file "{0}" for the UM worker process doesn't exist. To resolve this issue, copy the executable file located ...