Your search returned more results than the Reuse Slides task pane can show. Only some of the results will be shown. Try narrowing your search or search directly from the Slide Library Web site.
Your response affects future updates of this information and is returned to Microsoft through the Microsoft Customer Experience ...
Your rights management credentials have been obtained and verified and will be available to the currently logged on user ...
Your search cannot be completed because of a service error. Try your search again or contact your administrator for more ...
Your search cannot be completed because this site is not assigned to an indexer. Contact your administrator for more information. ...
Your search returned more results than the Reuse Slides task pane can show. Only some of the results will be shown. Try narrowing ...
Your search returned more than 1000 items. To narrow the results, type a more specific keyword into the search box or apply ...
Your section will be locked as shown below, until you click and enter a password to unlock it. It will also be locked automatically ...
Your security settings have blocked this document from accessing information from this location. This is not a Trusted Location. ...
Your security settings prohibit insertion of ActiveX controls. You will need to reopen this presentation and then choose ...