Database '%1': The secondary index '%2' of table '%3' is out of date with sorting libraries. If used in this state (i.e. not rebuilt), it may appear corrupt or get further corrupted. If there is no later event showing the index being rebuilt, then please defragment the database to rebuild the index.
Database '%1': Out of B-Tree IDs (ObjectIDs). Freed/unused B-Tree IDs may be reclaimed by performing an offline defragmentation ...
Database '%1': The database engine has built an in-memory cache of %2 space tree nodes on a B-Tree (ObjectId: %3, PgnoRoot: ...
Database '%1': The database engine lost unused pages %2-%3 while attempting space reclamation on a B-Tree (ObjectId %4). ...
Database '%1': The primary index '%2' of table '%3' is out of date with sorting libraries. If used in this state (i.e. not ...
Database '%1': The secondary index '%2' of table '%3' is out of date with sorting libraries. If used in this state (i.e. ...
Database '%1': The secondary index '%2' of table '%3' will be rebuilt as a precautionary measure after the Windows version ...
Database '%1': While attempting to move to the next orprevious node in a B-Tree, the database engine took %14 milliseconds ...
Database '%1': While attempting to move to the next orprevious node in a B-Tree, the database engine took %21 milliseconds ...
Database '%4': Available B-Tree IDs (ObjectIDs) have almost been completely consumed. Freed/unused B-Tree IDs may be reclaimed ...