EXPLANATION The import path specified either from the command line or in the configuration file, does not exist. ACTION Check the spelling of the IMPORTPATH entry in the configuration file. This entry must specify a directory that exists.
EXPLANATION The domain controller for this domain has stopped. ACTION Wait a few minutes and then restart the domain controller. ...
EXPLANATION The drive letter you specified is the current drive of a session. You tried to delete a drive redirection (x:) ...
EXPLANATION The file identification number you specified is either outside the valid range or is nonnumeric. ACTION Retype ...
EXPLANATION The global user or group specified does not exist. ACTION Retype the command with a correct user name or group ...
EXPLANATION The import path specified either from the command line or in the configuration file, does not exist. ACTION Check ...
EXPLANATION The list of items in the command is too long. ACTION If your command included a list of items, split the list ...
EXPLANATION The local copy of the security database may be out of synchronization with that of the domain controller because ...
EXPLANATION The local server's security database is completely out of synchronization with that of the domain controller, ...
EXPLANATION The maximum number of message aliases on each computer is limited by the system hardware. You have reached this ...