You cannot reverse the selected transaction because it was automatically created by the system to cancel the original invoice.
You cannot revalue by Calculate Per Item for item %1 using posting date %2. You can only use the posting date %3 for this ...
You cannot reverse %1 No. %2 because the entry is included in a bank account reconciliation line. The bank reconciliation ...
You cannot reverse register No. %1 because it contains customer or vendor ledger entries that have been posted and applied ...
You cannot reverse the endorsed bill of exchange because the transaction has been settled. You must reverse the vendor settlement ...
You cannot reverse the selected transaction because it was automatically created by the system to cancel the original invoice. ...
You cannot reverse the transaction on this date. Check whether the financial period is closed, or the date is later than ...
You cannot reverse the voucher until the subledger journal entry has been transferred to general ledger. Use the Subledger ...
You cannot review budget register entries that were approved when they were transferred. Remove the workflow from budget ...
You cannot run a test codeunit on a record. Test codeunit {0} {1} was called from C/AL with a record of table {2} {3} as ...