Refreshing data uses a query to import external data into Visio. Harmful queries can be used to make confidential information available to others or to perform other harmful actions.
Referential integrity cannot be enforced between linked tables and local tables.@Enforcement of referential integrity will ...
Refresh could not be completed because an internal limit has been reached. Remove the connection to the data source and import ...
Refresh failed for connection/external link '%1' in the workbook '%2', open aborted due to StopOpenOnRefreshFailure setting. ...
Refreshing Building Plan data uses a query to import external data into Visio, but queries can be designed to access confidential ...
Refreshing data uses a query to import external data into Visio. Harmful queries can be used to make confidential information ...
Refreshing project requirements and resource availability data will invalidate any saved portfolio selection scenarios. Do ...
Refreshing the design updates all of the fields, forms, views, macros, scripts, styles and settings which have changed in ...
ref_text,a1!Returns the reference specified by a text string!is a reference to a cell that contains an A1- or R1C1-style ...
Region%20allowing%20text,%20images,%20and%20tables%20%26%20layers%20for%20positioning%20those%20elements%20within%20the%20editable%20region. ...