Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because column '%3!s!' that is referenced by the view in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause is imprecise. Consider eliminating the column from the view, or altering the column to be precise.
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses OPENROWSET, OPENQUERY, or OPENDATASOURCE. Consider not indexing the view, ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses table variable "%3!s!". Consider not indexing this view or removing the ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it uses the OPENXML rowset provider. Consider removing OPENXML or not indexing ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because the view uses the "*" operator to select columns. Consider referencing columns ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because column '%3!s!' that is referenced by the view in the WHERE or GROUP BY clause ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains an INNER join that specifies a join hint. Consider removing the join ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it contains one or more UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Consider creating ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references another view '%3!s!'. Consider expanding referenced view's definition ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!' because it references CLR routine (function or method) '%3!s!' outside non-key columns ...