The cache state of one or more tables has been changed. These DataTables will be recreated, overwriting any customizations. Click OK to confirm the changes. Click Cancel to return to the wizard.
The Burndown dashboard displays critical information to help you track progress toward completing an iteration. For information ...
The byref-typed variable '{0}' is used in an invalid way. Byrefs cannot be captured by closures or passed to inner functions. ...
The C/C++ compiler default settings have been modified to be more compliant with ISO Standard C++. Included in those changes ...
The C/C++ compiler switch /Og has been deprecated and has been removed from your project settings. It is recommended that ...
The cache state of one or more tables has been changed. These DataTables will be recreated, overwriting any customizations. ...
The Cached attribute on the following member is in error because the member is not public, static, read-only, or is a parameterized ...
The CachedDataManifest passed to the AppDomainManager could not be loaded because its format is not valid. The XML error ...
The call cannot be completed. Your instant messaging application may not be configured properly or your corporate policy ...
The call to method '%1!ls!' needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a base access expression. ...