Unable to retrieve WS-Federation metadata from the following address: {0}. You can perform the following to troubleshoot the issue: a) Make sure that AcsManagementPortalUrl is set correctly. b) Navigate to {0} in the web browser to see the detailed error message. c) Navigate to {1}/v2/mgmt/web/Credential and verify that there are at least one token signing certificate registered for the SERVICE NAMESPACE. You can use "TfsAzureCert CreateServiceCert" command to generate a token signing certificate.
Unable to restart servicing jobs for the Team Project Collection {0} because a more recent servicing job is queued or running. ...
Unable to restore some default file associations. Note: you must be an administrator or a power user on this machine in order ...
Unable to retrieve information for this node, possibly because the node has been deleted or its connection disrupted. If ...
Unable to retrieve the schema from the database table. Source column mapping information will not be available. Would you ...
Unable to retrieve WS-Federation metadata from the following address: {0}. You can perform the following to troubleshoot ...
Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of '{0}'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting ...
Unable to satisfy all prerequisites for %1. Setup cannot continue until all system components have been successfully installed. ...
Unable to save database instance hint. The saved database instance is only used to intialize the Upgrade Wizard's database ...
Unable to save object because the object type is not supported. This editor can only manipulate triggers, stored procedures ...