The reference is invalid. The object does not exist or is not of the expected type. Visio has substituted an appropriate value. Attribute: %s Old value: %d New value: %d
The OLE-linked data in this object is inherited from a master. If you want to perform an action on the OLE-linked data, open ...
The organization chart shapes in this drawing must be converted to work properly in the current version of Microsoft Visio. ...
The pasted shapes are no longer linked to the following data source(s): %s The data in this document does not match the data ...
The record associated with the shape '%s' has been modified in the database. Update the database with the values stored in ...
The reference is invalid. The object does not exist or is not of the expected type. Visio has substituted an appropriate ...
The relational mapping process refers to your choice when deciding whether to create a Relational schema or an Object Relational ...
The Report definition is not drawing-specific and will not be loaded. Switch to view all reports and then browse to load ...
The report(s) %1!s! cannot be created due to one or more of the following missing default columns in "%2!s!": "Assigned To", ...
The report(s) %1!s! cannot be created. This might be due to no data or the absense of items that fit the filtering criteria ...