The backup store file '%{pathname/}'is empty or doesn't contain proper header; database can not be succesfully restored. Operation cancelled.
The AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT must be greater ...
The AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY should ...
The Axis function was indirectly referenced from the context of a statement other than SELECT. Evaluation of expressions ...
The background thread running lazy writer encountered an I/O error. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
The backup store file '%{pathname/}'is empty or doesn't contain proper header; database can not be succesfully restored. ...
The backup store stream is empty or doesn't contain proper header; database can not be succesfully restored. Operation cancelled. ...
The Backup, Restore or Synchronize command cannot be executed within a user initiated transaction or in transactional batch. ...
The batch '{0}' cannot be found. This error occurs when the batch was not previously opened by the CreateBatch method. It ...
The BI semantic model in the '%{database/}' database is inconsistent. A database must contain a cube when the database contains ...