Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of '{0}'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting the TimeSpan property value from a Duration.
Unable to read delimited fields because a double quote is not a legal delimiter when HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes is set to ...
Unable to read objects of the type {0} because there are no accessible constructors. To allow this type to be used in XAML, ...
Unable to read the ICardAgtSleepTime configuration value, either because it was formatted incorrectly, or because it was ...
Unable to resolve SecurityKeyIdentifier found in the SamlAssertion signature. The SamlAssertion signature can not be validated ...
Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of '{0}'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting ...
Unable to save a ModuleBuilder if it was created underneath an AssemblyBuilder. Call Save on the AssemblyBuilder instead. ...
Unable to save security policy to file: {0}. Close other applications that could lock the policy file, check for sufficient ...
Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, ...
Unable to serialize type '{0}'. Verify that the type is public and either has a default constructor or an instance descriptor. ...