Deletes all lab objects in a specified team project collection. TfsConfig lab /delete /collectionName:[/external] [/noprompt] Removes all lab objects for the specified team project collection. When the /external option specified, /delete will also remove the objects from System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). You must specify the /collection option with the /delete option. /collectionName: Required. Specifies the name of the team project collection on the application-tier Team Foundation Server. /external Optional. When specified, deletes the objects from VMM. /noPrompt Optional. When specified, does not display progress and result data in the command window.
Delegate statement Used to declare a delegate. A delegate is a reference type that refers to a shared method of a type or ...
Delegate types and the methods that they bind to must have consistent transparency. Transparent and safe-critical delegates ...
Delegates : Shows how delegates are declared, mapped to static and instance methods, and combined into multicast delegates. ...
Delete will release the virtual machine from the existing team project library share and will make it available for import ...
Deletes all lab objects in a specified team project collection. TfsConfig lab /delete /collectionName: /external /noprompt ...
Deletes all lab objects in a specified team project collection. TfsConfig lab /delete /collectionName: /external /noprompt ...
Deletes the Team Project from Team Foundation. To use this command, you must be a member of either the Team Foundation Server ...
Deleting a '%1' around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue is enabled. ...
Deleting a Team Project Collection is an irreversible operation. A deleted collection can not be reattached to the same or ...