%11Discovery Data Manager failed to notify all consumers that a full refresh has occurred and that users need to refresh their data store.%12 Possible cause: Because these notifications are done by a file, there is probably low disk space on one or more destination disk drives. Solution: Make more space available on those disks.%12%0
Discovery Data Manager failed to format discovery data into file "%1".%12 Possible cause: Low memory. Solution: Stop and ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to insert discovery data because the site is out of client access licenses.%12 Solution: Increase ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to insert the new item from file "%1" into the data source.%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to move the new parent site notification file to the Data Loader inbox.%12 Possible cause: ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to notify all consumers that a full refresh has occurred and that users need to refresh their ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to open the .ncf (assignment rule) file for site "%1".%12 Possible cause: The file is corrupt. ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to parse the new discovery item data from the parsed discovery data record (DDR) %1.%12 Possible ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to process a client registration request for computer with the identity "%1" and with the SMS ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to process file "%1" because it cannot detect any Name properties. Discovery Data Manager requires ...