Server TCP provider has stopped listening on port [ %1!s! ] due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically attempt to reestablish listening.
Server started with '-f' option. Auditing will not be started. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. ...
Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor hash tables. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase ...
Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. ...
Server Synchronization can only be deployed to a server running Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition or Developer Edition. ...
Server TCP provider has stopped listening on port %1!s! due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically ...
Server Type is either SQL Server or an OLE DB provider installed on the server. If SQL Server is selected then the Linked ...
Server user '%1!s!' is not a valid user in database '%2!s!'. Add the user account or 'guest' user account into the database ...
Server-level event notifications can not be delivered. Either Service Broker is disabled in msdb, or msdsb failed to start. ...
Service Broker could not upgrade conversation session keys in database '%1!s!' to encrypted format (Error: %2!s!). The Service ...