Create a new KMS host by installing your KMS host key. If you have already installed a KMS host key, you can activate installed products, or select Skip to Configuration to review and modify KMS configurations.
Create a message to display to users who are logged on to the remote computer, such as a system maintenance notification. ...
Create a namespace to make shared folders located on multiple servers appear as a single tree of folders. To increase redundancy ...
Create a new 24-hour schedule. 1. wsrmc /Create:Sched /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Sched /PolInt /St: /Dur: ...
Create a new Calendar Event 1. wsrmc /Create:Cal /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Cal /Pol: | /Sched: /Freq: ...
Create a new KMS host by installing your KMS host key. If you have already installed a KMS host key, you can activate installed ...
Create a pagefile This user right determines which users and groups can call an internal application programming interface ...
Create a remote subscription. Usage: wecutil { cs | create-subscription } CONFIGURATION_FILE /OPTION:VALUE /OPTION:VALUE ...
Create a resource allocation policy by specifying a policy name. You can allocate processor and memory resources to each ...
Create a rule for a specific file or folder path. If you select a folder, all files in the folder will be affected by the ...