In thesection of the Web.config file, the value for the 'compilerVersion' attribute in the provider options must be 'v2.0' if you are targeting version 2.0 or 3.0 of the .NET Framework, or must be 'v3.5' if you are targeting version 3.5 of the .NET Framework. If you are compiling this Web application for version 4.0 or later of the .NET Framework, the '{0}' attribute is required in the element of the Web.config file instead (for example, ' ').
In relationship '{0}', the Principal and Dependent Role of the referential constraint refers to the same Role in the relationship ...
In the data contract name for type '{1}', there are curly braces with '{0}' inside, which is an invalid value. Curly braces ...
In the future, this account will be used automatically to open protected documents. You can change this setting later. Your ...
In the New role name box, enter a name for the role to create, such as Administrator, Member, or Guest, and then click Add ...
In the section of the Web.config file, the value for the 'compilerVersion' attribute in the provider options must be 'v2.0' ...
In the text editor below, you can input static text and any number of keywords. A keyword is a special formatted character ...
In the Web Site Administration Tool, on the Provider tab, your first choice is whether you want to use the same provider ...
In this example, both debugging and trace are enabled, tracing is displayed on pages that are requested from the Web server ...
Include the specified assembly when resolving dependent assemblies during annotation. Reference assemblies are given priority ...