To copy a chart's formats to another chart, select the chart, copy it, select the other chart, and then choose Paste Special from the Edit menu.
To clear a range of cells, drag the fill handle up and to the left. The fill handle is located at the corner of the selection. ...
To combine chart types in a chart, click a data series, click Chart Type on the Chart menu, and then click the chart type ...
To control who can change a workbook, click Save As on the File menu, click Options, and then type a password in the Password ...
To convert preformatted HTML text into a table, select the column or range of text, and then click Text To Columns on the ...
To copy a chart's formats to another chart, select the chart, copy it, select the other chart, and then choose Paste Special ...
To copy a picture of the selected range onto a worksheet, hold down SHIFT, and click Copy Picture on the Edit menu. Then ...
To copy data into another application that supports OLE, drag the data from Microsoft Excel to the other application's window. ...
To copy text into a text box, copy the text in the formula bar, position the insertion point in the text box, and then paste ...
To copy the formula in the active cell to all cells in the selected range, press CONTROL+U, and then press OPTION+RETURN. ...