To help eliminate circular references, use the Auditing commands on the Circular Reference toolbar to trace references on your sheet.
To go to a cell reference or a named area, type the reference in the Name box to the left of the formula bar, or click its ...
To group several graphic objects so that you can move or size them at once, select all the objects, and then click Group ...
To have subtotals inserted into your list automatically, select any cell in the list and then choose Subtotals from the Data ...
To have the Trend, Growth, Linest, or Regress function return multiple values, select a range for the values, and then press ...
To help eliminate circular references, use the Auditing commands on the Circular Reference toolbar to trace references on ...
To hide items in a PivotTable, select the items, click the PivotTable Field button on the PivotTable toolbar, and then select ...
To hide multiple items in a PivotTable, select one of the items, click the PivotTable Field button on the PivotTable toolbar, ...
To hide the selected sheet, point to Sheet on the Format menu, and then choose Hide. To display a hidden sheet, choose Unhide. ...
To include more than one chart type in a chart (for example, Column and Area), select a data series and change its chart ...