IPRIPv2 could not schedule a task to be executed. This may have been caused by a memory allocation failure. The data is the error code.
IPRIP was unable to load the list of routes on the system: either there are insufficient resources, or IP routing is disabled. ...
IPRIPv2 could not bind to IP address %1. Please make sure TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly. The data is the error ...
IPRIPv2 could not enable broadcasting on the socket for the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error code. ...
IPRIPv2 could not join the multicast group on the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error code. ...
IPRIPv2 could not schedule a task to be executed. This may have been caused by a memory allocation failure. The data is the ...
IPRIPv2 detected an error on the local interface with IP address %1. The error occurred while the interface was receiving ...
IPRIPv2 discarded a packet received on the interface with IP address %1 from a neighboring router with IP address %2, because ...
IPRIPv2 discarded a response packet from a neighbor with IP address %1. IPRIPv2 is not configured to accept packets from ...
IPRIPv2 discarded a response packet from a neighbor with IP address %1. The packet was not sent from the standard IP RIP ...