Usage: %1!s! [name=][grpaddr=] [grpmask=] -or- %1!s! [name=] [scopename=] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where the boundary is to be added. grpaddr - The multicast group address of the boundary to add. grpmask - The subnet mask of the boundary address to be added. scopename - The name of the multicast scope to be bounded. Remarks: Adds a multicast scope boundary on an interface. Examples: %1!s! name=Internal grpaddr= grpmask= %1!s! name="Local Area Connection" scopename="My Mcast Scope"
Usage: %1!s! name= filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL} srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr= dstmask= {[proto= ANY | proto=]{TCP|TCP-EST|UDP} ...
Usage: %1!s! name= filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL} srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr= dstmask= {[proto=]ANY | proto=]{TCP|TCP-EST|UDP} ...
Usage: %1!s! name= flag= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where you are configuring RIP. flag - One ...
Usage: %1!s! name= grpaddr= grpmask= -or- %1!s! name= scopename= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where ...
Usage: %1!s! name= grpaddr= grpmask= -or- %1!s! name= scopename= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where ...
Usage: %1!s! name= igmpprototype=]igmprtrv1|igmprtrv2|igmprtrv3|igmpproxy ifenabled=]enable|disable robustvar=]integer genqueryinterval=]integer ...
Usage: %1!s! name= igmpprototype=]igmprtrv1|igmprtrv2|igmprtrv3|igmpproxy ifenabled=]enable|disable robustvar=]integer genqueryinterval=]integer ...
Usage: %1!s! name= interface name addr= mask= state=]enable|disable areaid= type=]nbma|p2p|broadcast prio= transdelay= retrans= ...
Usage: %1!s! name= localaddr= remaddr= ttl= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the tunnel interface to be added. localaddr ...