You can set up general settings for a profile, including the display name and description, how to generate encryption keys, and the number of external certificates.
You can review and change workflow settings for this policy for temporary smart cards. Set permissions on initiating and ...
You can review detailed information about a certificate, including its validity period and extensions. If you want, you have ...
You can review details about a profile, including related requests. You can also manage the profile, according to the permissions ...
You can set properties related to enrollment for this profile template, including items related to workflow, data collection, ...
You can set up general settings for a profile, including the display name and description, how to generate encryption keys, ...
You can set up how to offline unblock a smart card for another user, including settings for workflow and data collection. ...
You can set up how to recover a profile or replace a smart card on behalf of another user, including settings for workflow, ...
You can set up the revocation workflow for this policy. Based on the type of policy you are editing, this page automatically ...
You can sign in and send and receive email with any of the email addresses below. Choose one of them as the place you receive ...