The application manifest has the uiAccess attribute set to 'true'. Running an Accessibility application requires following the steps described in Help.
The Application Directory membership condition is true for all assemblies in the same directory or in a child directory of ...
The application is configured to issue secure cookies. These cookies require the browser to issue the request over SSL (https ...
The application is unable to load because the file MSXML3.DLL cannot be loaded. Please see Knowledge base article Q306905 ...
The application is unable to start because the file %s is missing or corrupted. To correct this problem, copy %s from your ...
The application manifest has the uiAccess attribute set to 'true'. Running an Accessibility application requires following ...
The application manifest specified does not include the HostInBrowser tag required for a Windows Presentation Foundation ...
The Application membership condition is true for all assemblies that are contained within the application manifest of the ...
The application platform for the updated version of the application does not match the platform of the published version. ...
The application should not be published to the same folder where the build is produced. Please choose a different location ...