You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following site collection, which has exceeded the size limit of the Project database: {0}. The database is now in read-only mode and cannot be modified.
You are attempting to send information to an untrusted Project Web App: ^1.}If you are sure of this site's identity, and ...
You are connected to a server that does not allow Manually Scheduled tasks to be published to team members. Team members ...
You are currently connected to a Project 2007 compatible server.}The file you are working with was created in Project 2010 ...
You are currently in the middle of a wizard. Are you sure you want to navigate away without completing the wizard? Click ...
You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following site collection, which has exceeded ...
You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following site collection, which has exceeded ...
You are trying to change the name of a resource you sent assignments to earlier. If you make this change, you will need to ...
You are trying to change the name of a resource you sent assignments to earlier.}If you make this change, you will need to ...
You are trying to connect to Project Server 2007.}Please make sure to use Project Professional 2007 to connect to Project ...