OneNote cannot migrate data from an earlier version of OneNote because of a possible issue with accessing the notebook cache files in your user settings folder.Try to delete any unnecessary files from your computer and then click Try Again.If this message persists, contact your system administrator or click Continue to skip data migration completely.
OneNote cannot insert the attachment because the hard disk containing the notebook cache is full. To attach the file, you ...
OneNote cannot insert these files because there is a problem with one or more of the files you have selected. Try inserting ...
OneNote cannot locate this section. You may be experiencing network problems, or the section may be stored on removable media ...
OneNote cannot merge sections from different versions of OneNote. Change the sections to matching file formats and try again. ...
OneNote cannot migrate data from an earlier version of OneNote because of a possible issue with accessing the notebook cache ...
OneNote cannot migrate data from an earlier version of OneNote.Close previous versions of OneNote and then click Try Again.Click ...
OneNote cannot move section groups between different drives or computers. You can move a section group to a location on the ...
OneNote cannot open as a notebook a folder in the backup directory or folder containing the backup directory. If you want ...
OneNote cannot open the file because OneNote is running with administrator privileges. You can open the file from OneNote ...