SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components" to use this feature.
SQL Merge Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! Publication: %3!s! Subscriber: %4!s! Subscriber ...
SQL Reporting Services 2008 Add-in for SharePoint is not supported with a report server instance on SQL Server 2005. Upgrade ...
SQL Reporting Services 2008 Add-in for SharePoint is supported only on SQL Server 2008 or later. You should first upgrade ...
SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services (64-bit) was detected as part of a named instance that includes the SQL Server 2000 Database ...
SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server ...
SQL Server 2005 and later versions add trigger_schema as the last column in the result set returned by the sp_helptrigger ...
SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 do not allow you to create full-text indexes on nondeterministic and imprecise computed ...
SQL Server 2005 provides a new set of log shipping functions that are incompatible with database maintenance plans. If an ...
SQL Server 2008 cannot add any more instances. To continue installing this instance, you must uninstall an existing instance. ...