!number,form!!Converts an Arabic numeral to Roman, as text!is the Arabic numeral you want to convert!is the number specifying the type of Roman numeral you want.!
number,decimals!Converts a number to text, using currency format!is a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, ...
number,decimals!Converts a number to text, using currency format!is a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, ...
number,decimals,no_commas!Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals and returns the result as text with or without ...
number,divisor!Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor!is the number for which you want to find the ...
number,form!Converts an Arabic numeral to Roman, as text!is the Arabic numeral you want to convert!is the number specifying ...
number,from_unit,to_unit!Converts a number from one measurement system to another!is the value in from_units to convert!is ...
number,multiple!Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple!is the value to round!is the multiple to which you want ...
number,number_chosen!Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items!is the total number of items!is the number ...
number,number_chosen!Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from the total ...