Cannot reinitialize the subscription. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead.
Cannot refresh the Publisher identity range for article "%1!s!". Execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange ...
Cannot register the article resolver %1!s!. This can occur if the account under which SQL Server is running does not have ...
Cannot reinitialize article '%1!s!' in subscription '%2!s!:%3!s!' to publication '%4!s!' (subscribed with the 'no sync' option). ...
Cannot reinitialize the article '%1!s!' in subscription '%2!s!:%3!s!' to publication '%4!s!'. The publication is enabled ...
Cannot reinitialize the subscription. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not ...
Cannot remap a user of one type to a login of a different type. For example, a SQL user must be mapped to a SQL login; it ...
Cannot remove the column set '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because the table contains more than 1025 columns. Reduce the number ...
Cannot rename the view '%1!s!' and its columns and indexes because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization ...
Cannot replace the existing checkpoint file with the updated checkpoint file. The checkpoint was successfully created in ...