Circular reference error in hosting relationships defined in this management pack. The Target to Source class associations are printed below.
Changing the selected question will invalidate the following question dependencies: {0} Would you like to commit this change ...
Changing the target enum of question {0} will invalidate the following question dependencies: {1} Would you like to commit ...
Choose any groups that you want to include in this group. If you have not entered any members in the last two pages of the ...
Circular reference detected. The current management pack ID={0}, KeyToken={1} has listed itself as a reference Alias={2}, ...
Circular reference error in hosting relationships defined in this management pack. The Target to Source class associations ...
Class in user role scope is not allowed for this user role. The profile associated with this user role does not allow class ...
Class property value already exists in the discovery data item. Check for duplicate property values. Class property name: ...
Class {0} has a required property that is not valid. Property {1} is marked as required but has no default value defined. ...
Class {0} has been defined as Abstract. It can only inherit from another abstract class. Its base class (ID={1}) is not abstract. ...